Welcome to the website of the
River Bluff Homeowners Association
Welcome to our neighborhood website! If this is your first visit, please click here to learn how to become a registered user of this site. Only resident neighbors and non-resident homeowners may gain access to the full site. Neighbor information is only available to those registered on the site, is password protected, and will not be publicly shared.
River Bluff is a quiet neighborhood in the extreme eastern end of Sandy Springs, GA, about 15 miles north of downtown Atlanta, and easily accessible to schools, businesses, and major interstates.
The River Bluff Homeowners Association is a voluntary (non-mandatory) association of residents and homeowners. Although payment of annual dues is not required, all are encouraged to contribute to the upkeep of our subdivision.
Our HOA website enables River Bluff residents to connect, communicate, collaborate, and coordinate shared interests by:
- Providing a robust, up-to-date community directory.
- Providing a central source for all neighborhood communication.
- Providing a central repository for neighborhood newsletters and other documents.
- Providing a calendar of River Bluff community events.
- Keeping residents informed of safety concerns and events that may impact their community.
- Providing a source for advertising and utilizing neighborhood services (e.g., babysitting and pet-walking).
- Providing a forum for groups of similar interests to coordinate and plan events.